Cockroach Control

Cockroach Control

Common Cockroaches

German and Brown Banded cockroaches are the most common we find in our area. They are found hitching a ride on food items that are brought into the kitchen and then all they need is a place to hide and start reproducing. Each female can produce 14-48 new cockroaches with each new egg sac. She can live for 6 months, in other words, each female can produce hundreds of others.

Cockroach Control

Cockroaches are credited with aggravating and causing allergies and asthma especially in small children. Their fecal matter can be found near their nest sites. They like to hide in small cracks and crevices all over the kitchen or anywhere abundant food and water can be found.

Cockroach Treatment

The bottom line here is that before you know it you are infested and you didn’t even know that they were there. We have created one of the most effective treatment programs in the business. Coupled with a good sanitation program, our cockroach treatment can’t be beat. Give us a call and we’ll get you back to a cockroach-free environment.

Let Our Pest Control Experts
Get Those Roaches Out!

Call us today to set-up and receive a discount off your first pest control service. Our technician will be happy to come out and discuss an appropriate treatment to eliminate your current pest issue.

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